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  • Partial cover of the The Government Analytics Handbook. Design: Circle Graphics and Bill Pragluski, Critical Stages, LLC.



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Edited by Daniel Rogger and Christian Schuster

"This pioneering handbook shows how microdata can be used to give ... granular and real insights into how states work."

¡ª Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University, author of State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century

¡°The most comprehensive work on practically building government administration I have ever seen."

¡ª Francisco Gaetani, Special Secretary for State Transformation, Government of Brazil


Governments across the world make thousands of personnel management decisions, procure millions of goods and services, and execute billions of processes each day. They are data rich.  And yet, there is little systematic practice to-date which capitalizes on this data to make public administrations work better. This means that governments are missing out on data insights to save billions in procurement expenditures, recruit better talent into government, and identify sources of corruption, to name just a few.

The Government Analytics Handbook seeks to change that. It presents frontier evidence and practitioner insights on how to leverage data to make governments work better. Covering a range of microdata sources¡ªsuch as administrative data and public servant surveys¡ªas well as tools and resources for undertaking the analytics, it transforms the ability of governments to take a data-informed approach to diagnose and improve how public organizations work.


Main Messages

  • Firms are capitalizing on innovations in data science at an unprecedented scale to improve their internal operations, but many governments are lacking behind. This book introduces government analytics ¨C how governments can repurpose their data and records to diagnose public administration and boost public sector productivity.
  • A wealth of approaches and data sources are available to governments for analytics to identify evidence-based improvements. Many of these approaches rely on data that governments already collect as part of their day-to-day operations
  • Government analytics can be undertaken with at least three types of data: administrative data from government entities (such as procurement data); surveys of public servants; and external assessments (such as household surveys or anthropological assessments).
  • Which data source is appropriate for analytics depends on what aspect of public administration an organization is seeking to diagnose and improve. Some data sources are better suited to assessing inputs into public administration, such as payroll data assessing the costs of different personnel. Some data sources are better suited to assessing the processes, practices, and cultures that convert inputs into outputs, such as surveys of public servants assessing perceptions of management in government. And some data sources are better suited to assessing the outputs and outcomes of public administration, such as citizen satisfaction surveys.
  • Frontier government analytics integrates different data sources and makes insights accessible to managers across government organizations. For instance, dashboards integrating data sources and updating in real time can provide managers with insights into staffing issues, quality of management, task completion rates and case productivity, among many. Comparative data can allow benchmarking with other government organizations, or where appropriate, other countries. The result is a transformational change, with managers integrating analytic insights with their tacit understanding of their organization to drive continuous public administration improvement.
  • Governments can advance government analytics by creating government analytics units at the center of government and within each major organization. Centralized units enable economies of scale in analytics, a common data architecture and government-wide benchmarking. Units within organizations can complement central analytics by helping interpret analytics for their organization, and adapting analytics tools to particular organizational needs.

Main Messages:   |  |  |  |  | 

Structure of the Book

  • Part 1. Overview: The Government Analytics Handbook

    Part 1 lays out the motivation for government analytics, summarizes key lessons from the book on how to do government analytics well, and offers an approach to the future of government analytics.

  • Part 2. Foundational Themes in Government Analytics

    Part 2 focuses on cross-cutting challenges in government analytics. These include privacy and ethics, holistic measurement which addresses risks (e.g. from political pressure on indicators), up-to-date analytics practice which accord with good social science principles and measurement of the use of government analytics indicators by decision-makers.

  • Part 3. Government Analytics Using Administrative Data

    Part 3 discusses the range of administrative data sources available for government analytics, with dedicated chapters for each type of administrative data ¨C such as procurement data, case data, budget expenditure data and payroll & HRMIS data. Further chapters contextualize these discussions by showcasing how to create administrative data infrastructures and combine data sources to measure multi-dimensional missions of organizations.

  • Part 4. Government Analytics Using Public Servant Surveys

    Part 4 focuses on surveys of public servants, one of the most widely used data sources for government analyt?ics by governments to-date. Part 4 surveys the global landscape of public servant surveys and provides novel empirical evidence to advise governments on how to best design and implement surveys of public servants, and how to best leverage survey results for management improvements. 

  • Part 5. Government Analytics Using External Assessments

    Part 5 reviews select data sources available to undertake government analytics through external assessments ¨C that is, assessments conducted by those outside government. It focuses, in particular, on: household survey data, citizen survey data, service delivery indicators and anthropological methods. Part 5 thus also underscores the utility of triangulating quantitative and qualitative methods to diagnose and improve public administration.

  • The Government Analytics Handbook in 3d

Handbook Teaser Trailer

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    A collaboration between the Development Impact Evaluation Department, Office of the Chief Economist of Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions.
  • Logos EFI, DEC, DIME


    A collaboration between the Development Impact Evaluation Department, Office of the Chief Economist of Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions.

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