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Palestinian Umbrella for Resilience Support to the Economy (PURSE)

News and Events

December 14, 2023

The second annual Partnership Council meeting of the PURSE MDTF and its associated trust funds, ESPERE I and II, was held on December 14, 2023. The meeting was attended by representatives of PURSE and ESPERE donors, the Palestinian Authority, and the аIJʿª½±. Participants discussed recent progress and updates and endorsed the work plan and budget for the 2024 financial year.

December 5, 2023

Norway pledged an additional 148 million Krone, equivalent to US$14.2 million, to the PURSE MDTF. These funds will be used to provide budget support to the PA, and finance human capital and service delivery activities.

November 30, 2023

was launched during COP-28. The CCDR is a flagship аIJʿª½± diagnostic report which was co-financed by PURSE MDTF. The report integrates climate change and development considerations: it analyses the expected impact of climate change on the Palestinian economy and includes specific policy recommendations on how to maximize development outcomes and climate action gains. To find out more, watch this video.

September 12, 2023

France and Norway have made additional pledges of support for the PURSE MDTF. On August 12, France pledged EUR 8 million, equivalent to US$8.6 million; on September 12, Norway pledged NOK 85 million, equivalent to US$7.9 million. These funds will provide budget support for the PA, and will thereby contribute to efforts to strengthen the effectiveness of public procurement, strengthen the integrity of the financial sector, and pursue digital transformation.

July 25, 2023

The EU has pledged EUR 7.5 million to a new Associated Trust Fund to PURSE, the EU Support for the Palestinian Economy and Resilience (ESPERE) II. These funds will be used to strengthen sustainable recovery, economic reform and social resilience in the WB&G by enhancing private sector growth, economic opportunities, and the business environment.

May 19, 2023

The Norwegian Government has contributed 100 million Norwegian Krone for budget support to the Palestinian Authority. This budget support operation will strengthen the effectiveness of public procurement, strengthen the integrity of the financial sector, and pursue digital transformation.

May 15-16, 2023

A series of PURSE Deep Dive meetings were hosted by the аIJʿª½±. The deep dives gave current and potential development partners the opportunity to learn more about the activities of PURSE and engage in a productive two-way discussion.

January 24, 2023

аIJʿª½± channeled US$22.5 million in budget support to the Palestinian Authority through the PURSE MDTF; the funds were contributed by Norway and France. This budget support operation will support the Palestinian Authority¡¯s reform program in strengthening transparency, inclusion, and the green economy in the West Bank and Gaza. 

October 20, 2022

EU Contributes EUR 9 Million to Support Palestinian Economic and Social Resilience through аIJʿª½± Trust Fund

The EU Commission's Directorate-General for Neighbourhood & Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) has reaffirmed its longstanding cooperation with the аIJʿª½± to strengthen Palestinian economic reform, social resilience, and sustainable recovery. To help achieve these objectives, the EU is contributing EUR 9 million to a dedicated Trust Fund. The EU Support for the Palestinian Economy and Resilience (ESPERE) is an associated trust fund to the , both of which are administered by the аIJʿª½±. This contribution will specifically support the Palestinian business environment, help unlock private investments, and strengthen digital entrepreneurship in the Palestinian territories. This joint engagement through this Single Donor Trust Fund is expected to serve as a pilot for possible further collaboration across other areas in the West Bank and Gaza, and potential cooperation with the аIJʿª½± in other MENA countries and at the regional level.

Watch an interview with Henrike Trautmann, Acting Director for Neighbourhood South and Turkey, DG NEAR, European Commission:

July 21, 2022

Switzerland joined the PURSE MDTF with an amount of EUR 6.2 million, equivalent to US$6.3 million. This is the first Swiss contribution to PURSE, and it will be used to finance activities in support of the private sector development and job generation under Pillar 3.

June 14, 2022

The PURSE MDTF held its first Partnership Council (PC) meeting on June 14. The Meeting was chaired by Kanthan Shankar, аIJʿª½± Country Director for the WB&G, and included participants from current PURSE donors Norway and France, as well as Switzerland as an incoming donor. Sweden and the EU attended the PC meeting as observers, and expressed their interests in PURSE. The meeting discussed key results and updates as well as strategic directions for the MDTF, and endorsed the work program and budget for FY23.

November 23, 2021

Norway contributed an additional total amount of NOK 107 million, equivalent to US$11 million. The funds will support priority activities in both Pillar 1 (Macro-fiscal Stability and Public Financial Management) and Pillar 4 (Social Protection for the Poor and At-risk Population), as well as the Bank-executed Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA) activities.

August 25, 2021

The French Ministry of Economy and Finance joined the PURSE MDTF with an amount of EUR 8 million, equivalent to US$8.1 million.  This is France¡¯s first contribution to the fund that will support the PA in building the foundations of a digital economy, strengthening resilience, and supporting governance through DPG 11 under Pillar I (Macro-fiscal Stability and Public Financial Management).   

June 27, 2021

Norway became the first development partner to join the PURSE MDTF.  Norway made a contribution of NOK 100 million, equivalent to US$10 million. The contribution was made to help build the foundations of a digital economy, strengthen resilience, and support governance through DPG 11 under Pillar I (Macro-fiscal Stability and Public Financial Management).   

The PURSE aims to provide a platform to harness Development Partners¡¯, the аIJʿª½±¡¯s, and the Palestinian Authority¡¯s efforts to address development challenges at a strategic level.


Kanthan Shankar, West Bank and Gaza Country Director


Arden Finn
Jabez Sungwoo Chun