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NEWS May 2, 2014

Issuance of Sanctions Board Decision No. 65

?Pursuant to Sanctions Board Decision No. 65 issued in Sanctions Case No. 173, the Sanctions Board imposes (i) a sanction of debarment with conditional release on OOO RBC Center (the ¡°Respondent,¡± currently known as OOO Armada Center) and (ii) a sanction of reprimand on OAO Armada (the ¡°Named Affiliate¡±) by means of a formalletter of reprimand to be posted on the аIJʿª½±¡¯s website for a minimum period of six (6) months, and until the Named Affiliate has met conditions as specified in this decision. The sanctions are imposed on the Respondent for a fraudulent practice as defined in Paragraph 1.22(a)(ii) of the аIJʿª½± Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by аIJʿª½± Borrowers (May 2004), and on the Named Affiliate for its responsibility for the Respondent¡¯s fraudulent practice.