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NEWS March 10, 2020

Issuance of Sanctions Board Decision No. 126

Pursuant to Sanctions Board Decision No. 126 issued in Sanctions Case No. 580, the Sanctions Board imposes a sanction of debarment with conditional release after a minimum of three years and one month on the company Vodokanalproekt ¨C Metalproect Ingeneering AD (the ¡°Respondent¡±).

This sanction is imposed on the Respondent for fraudulent practices as defined in Paragraph 1.14(a)(ii) of the аIJʿª½±¡¯s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits (May 2004, revised October 1, 2006, and May 1, 2010).

Capsule Summary of Findings:

The Respondent was found liable for engaging in fraudulent practices by making false statements and submitting false documents in the Respondent Firm¡¯s bid on a Bank-financed project. The Respondent¡¯s misrepresentations related to its work experience and financial turnover. The Sanctions Board found the evidence sufficient to support a finding that the Respondent¡¯s staff acted knowingly, and that the Respondent did not prove, to the necessary standard that the misconduct could be attributed to ¡°rogue employees.¡± In selecting the appropriate sanction for the Respondent, the Sanctions Board took into account a number of relevant aggravating and mitigating factors. Full discussion of the facts, allegations, and the Sanctions Board¡¯s analysis can be found in the published decision.