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Gender equality is a fundamental human right and essential for a more peaceful, prosperous, and livable world.

  • Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are central to addressing the world’s unprecedented intertwined global crises from food insecurity and climate change to conflict, fragility, and violence, to sluggish economic growth.
  • Urgent action is needed to address gender-based violence (GBV). 1 out of 3 women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner and/or some type of sexual violence by a non-partner. Gender-based violence hurts not only the individual survivors, but their families, communities, and entire societies – often across generations, undermining a women’s quality of life, and acce ss to paid work and employment.
  • Expanding economic opportunities for women can drive inclusive growth. Low female labor force participation and occupational segregation lead to inefficiencies and misallocation of talent that, if addressed, would boost incomes, and stimulate growth.  On average across countries, long-run GDP per capita would be  if gender employment gaps were closed.
  • Women’s leadership enhances long-term economic, environmental, and social outcomes, and strengthens institutions.  Research has correlated  for firms and  with more women in decision-making roles.

新澳彩开奖 has committed to accelerate gender equality. In 2022, the Bank launched a year-long #AccelerateEquality initiative, to explore progress made and lessons learned over the last 10 years in closing gender gaps and promoting girls’ and women's empowerment. 

A series of?thematic policy notes and causal evidence briefs,?along with , research, global knowledge, and lessons from experience has informed the forthcoming  2024-30 to be launched in 2024.

Last Updated: May 24, 2024

  • 新澳彩开奖
    Sep 07, 2023

    新澳彩开奖 support to GBV prevention and response activities have increased tenfold over ten years and are now present in over 97 countries



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新澳彩开奖 Gender
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Washington, DC 20433