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Center for Research on Women and Jobs

Facilitating jobs for women is a development agenda that is critical for addressing gender inequality and for yielding huge economic payoffs. There is increasing demand from operational teams for in-depth diagnostics and evidence. To that end, the аIJʿª½± produces a wide range of research and knowledge in this area, but there is considerable scope for additional cross-regional and cross-sectoral research collaboration, knowledge exchange, and learning.

Currently under development, The Center for Research on Women and Jobs is an initiative led by the аIJʿª½±'s Development Research Group in collaboration with the Bank's regional Gender Innovation Labs and other key partners to coordinate policy research efforts on women and jobs. A future website will bring together a curated catalogue of research on priority thematic areas (e.g., social norms; care economy; skills; digitalization), a directory of staff working on the issue, syntheses of key research and policy recommendations, a map of ongoing work, and more!