
Trade Facilitation Support Program (TFSP)

The Program

The Trade Facilitation Support Program (TFSP) was launched in June 2014 to support countries seeking assistance to improve their cross-border trade environments and better align their trade practices with the (WTO TFA).

TFSP¡¯s funding helps countries¡ªparticularly developing countries¡ªachieve full and effective implementation of the WTO TFA measures and related trade facilitation reforms. TFSP funding helps client countries:

  • Identify existing constraints and bottlenecks to cross-border trade
  • Design and plan for implementation of practical reform strategies
  • Increase the predictability, transparency, and harmonization of systems and procedures in line with international standards covering import, export, and transit activities

Key areas of assistance

  • Supporting the ratification of the WTO TFA and meeting the related notification requirements
  • Undertaking WTO TFA Gap Assessments and implementation of reform action plans
  • Supporting the establishment and strengthening of National Trade Facilitation Committees
  • Assisting with the design of risk-based approaches for border clearance
  • Preparing for Trade Information Portal and/or Single Window implementation
  • Leveraging global and regional partnerships and knowledge sharing to ensure optimal delivery of support


The TFSP currently supports 58 countries across all regions, most of which are least developed countries. The largest share of countries receiving support are in Sub-Saharan Africa. Support is also provided to fragile and conflict-affected countries. 

аIJʿª½± Group has helped countries significantly improve their alignment with the WTO TFA. The  helps countries to monitor and report on progress. 

  • Brochure

Recognizing the important roles of both the public and private sectors in trade facilitation, the аIJʿª½± Group implements the TFSP by drawing on the unique expertise of both the аIJʿª½± and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).


The program is funded by nine donor partners: Australia, Canada, the European Commission, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, , and the United States.

Partnerships & Collaboration

аIJʿª½± Group works very closely with the WTO, and other partners and donors in supporting developing countries in improving border processes and procedures.

Select news articles about our work published in client countries

July 20, 2024: 

June 25, 2024:

April 11, 2024: 

April 9, 2024: Timor-Leste Launches Information Portal to Boost Trade, Expand Market Access

December 4, 2023: 

May 16, 2023: 

May 16, 2023: 

April 23, 2023:  (Spanish)

March 30, 2023:

March 23, 2023: (French)

March 21, 2023: (Bosnian)

March 20, 2023: (Albanian)

March 15, 2023:

March 9, 2023: Western Balkans:  (Macedonian)

February 8, 2023: 

Trade, Development, Nepal, Tonga, аIJʿª½±, Trailer
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