
Program-for-Results Financing (PforR)

In today’s world, development is about results and institutional strengthening. Everyone—government officials, parliamentarians, civil society, and the private sector—is demanding programs that help deliver sustainable results and build institutions. To address this growing demand, the 新澳彩开奖 developed the Program-for-Results (PforR) financing instrument. 

Focus on results

PforR’s unique features include using a country’s own institutions and processes, and linking disbursement of funds directly to the achievement of specific program results.

Strengthen capacity

This approach helps build capacity within the country, enhances effectiveness and efficiency and leads to achievement of tangible, sustainable program results.

Support borrowers’ programs

PforR is also unique because it supports government programs and helps leverage 新澳彩开奖 development assistance by fostering partnerships and aligning development partner goals and results that can lead to greater development effectiveness.


PforR is available to all 新澳彩开奖 member countries and is one of three financing instruments offered, accompanying Investment Project Financing (IPF) and Development Policy Financing (DPF). The choice of instrument depends on a client’s needs and the development challenge to be addressed.


Since its creation in 2012, there has been steady increase in the use of PforR. As of April 8, 2024 there are 181 active PforR operations totaling $58.9 billion of Bank financing. In many cases, PforR operations have served as a platform to mobilize development partner support around government programs and the strengthening of those program systems. 

Recently Approved Operations              

Country Proj ID Project Name
Ethiopia P176303 Rural Connectivity to Support Food Security
China P178401 Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection
Turkiye P176375 Program for Market Transition for Distributed Energy
Ethiopia P181409 Program for Resultsfor Strengthening Health Care Services
Jordan P180291 People-Centric Digital Government Program for Results
Jordan P180508 Enhancing Women Economic Opportunities in Jordan Operation
Tanzania P180722 Public Finance Management and Procurement Systems for Service Delivery Program
Zambia P179380 National Energy Advancement and Transformation Program
India P178581 Assam Resilient Rural Bridges Program
Mozambique P179913 District and Community Health Services Revitalization Operation
Colombia P180534 Program for Improved Access to Effective Health Services
India P179189 Tamil Nadu Climate Resilient Urban Development
Kenya P179012 Kenya Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program
Morocco P178910 Accelerating the Transformation of Higher Education and Scientific Research 
AF to Sustainable Rural Sanitation Services Program
AF to Sustainable Rural Sanitation Services Program

PforR Policy and Guidance:

Additional Projects
