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Factsheet October 7, 2020

FAQs - Platform Initiative in Support of Coal Regions in Transition for Western Balkans and Ukraine

What is the Platform Initiative?

The Platform Initiative supports coal regions in transition in Western Balkans and Ukraine through knowledge exchange, peer-to-peer learning visits, technical assistance, access to a global learning academy for coal regions, and financial assistance for transition projects. The Platform Initiative was established based on Western Balkan countries’ commitment to clean energy transition as expressed in the Podgorica Joint Statement of 21 February 2019 and Ukraine’s 2050 Low Emission Development Strategy of November 2017. 

The Platform Initiative is part of the overarching 新澳彩开奖’s Global Program, Support to Energy Transition in Coal Regions, approved by its management in July 2019.

Who are the main implementing institutions of the Platform Initiative?

新澳彩开奖, , , , , and the Government of Poland are the main implementing institutions of the Platform Initiative.

What are the roles of the various implementing institutions?

The Platform Initiative is led by the 新澳彩开奖, with the political leadership from the European Commission and support from the Government of Poland, the former COP24 Presidency.  

The Energy Community Secretariat (ECS) is the lead regional institutional partner, bringing their strategic knowledge and analysis of the region to bear on the design of activities. 

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will coordinate the work on, and provide financing for, transition projects and programs. This does not preclude other Principals from financing projects and programs as well.

The College of Europe in Natolin is the institutional host of the Learning Academy and will, alongside the other partners, define and execute the Coal Regions Learning Academy activities. 

Which coal regions does it concern?

Target coal regions include coal regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo , Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Ukraine where coal mining and coal-based production of electricity are significant.  

What stakeholders will be involved in the Platform Initiative?

Primary stakeholders include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • State, regional and local authorities (Ministries, chambers of commerce, development agencies and funds, regional authorities, municipalities)
  • Coal and coal-based (both coal and coal-based electricity production) private sector institutions
  • Relevant civil society and citizens’ associations
  • Trade Unions/Social partners
  • Academic institutions  

Secondary stakeholders may be invited to participate on a regular or ad-hoc basis, when their contribution to the activities of the Platform Initiative is needed. These stakeholders include members of the E.U. Coal Regions in Transition Platform, EU Member State stakeholders, IFIs, think tanks, and research institutes. 

How can a stakeholder get involved?

From January 2021, the Platform Initiative secretariat will manage all expressions of interest to participate. 

In the meantime, anyone interested in participating in upcoming activities, or in learning more about the Platform Initiative, can write to: coaltransitions@worldbank.org 

What activities are planned?

The Coal Regions in Transition Initiative in Western Balkans and Ukraine will undertake the following areas of cooperation:

  1. Organize knowledge-sharing Platform meetings
  2. Facilitate EU – Western Balkans and Ukraine coal regions twinning 
  3. Establish a Coal Regions in Transition Academy
  4. Provide technical assistance for pilot coal regions
  5. Finance transition projects and programs

When will activities start?

The Platform Initiative expects to hold its first platform meeting and launch the Academy in Fall of 2020. The first twinning visit between Polish and Ukrainian coal regions will take place in November 2020.