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Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Development Goal 1: End Poverty in all its Forms Everywhere

May 7, 2024
Geneva, Switzerland

This Expert Group Meeting examined progress made on SDG1, which calls for ending extreme poverty by 2030. The outcomes from these discussions will be used as substantive inputs in preparation for the 2024 UN High Level Political Forum to be held in New York in July.

Learn more:

VIDEO: Getting Back on Track to Meet Sustainable Development Goal


High-Level Opening and Setting the Scene: Accelerating towards SDG1

9.00 AM - 9.30 AM CEST

Opening Remarks

9.30 AM - 10.45 AM

Where Are We Today in the Fight Against Global Poverty?

Thematic Discussions

11.00 AM - 12.30 PM

Thematic Discussion 1: Accelerating Progress Toward SDG1 in the Face of Climate Change

1.30 PM - 3.00 PM

Thematic Discussion 2:  Trade, Finance and the Challenge of Poverty Eradication

3.15 PM - 4.45 PM

Thematic Discussion 3: Social Protection to Ensure Leaving No One Behind

Looking to the Future

4.45 PM - 5.30 PM

Closing Remarks: Recommendations for the 2024 UN High-Level Political Forum